Who We Are

Raise Royalty, Inc. Is an independent 501(c)(3) non-profit public charity Foundation.

Financial Literacy

Nurturing One Family At A Time.


Raise Royalty, Inc.

Raise Royalty was established 2023 by Romane Regis, Jr and Rachel Regis. Ignited by our own passion to help our communities grow and places that we found that it lacked, we created Raise Royalty, Inc. We felt through our own personal growth and experiences that we could help others in community to live more fulfilling lives.

Born and Raised in Boston, we always felt encouraged to pursue higher education and strive for better, coming from parents who immigrated to America from Haiti. From our patients own values we built the foundation of Raise Royalty, Inc; to learn, embrace your challenges, strive to build from where you are and never give up in your pursuit to better one’s self. Raise Royalty, Inc, aims to uplift us all to Royalty both financially and mentally.


Our Mission

Our mission is to teach financial literacy, healthy lifestyle and coping, helping elevate and educate our children to Royalty. Through teaching wealth building skills, healthy lifestyle choices and habits early to our children and community, we will set them forward into the future to develop healthy habits with both finances and health.


OUR Curriculum

Rethinking Budgeting: Beyond Just Money

Typically, the word “budget” sends our minds straight to money—how much to allocate for rent, groceries, bills, and so on. But what if we expanded the concept of budgeting to encompass all facets of our daily lives? It’s time to shift our perspective on budgeting, recognizing it as a comprehensive tool for managing not just our finances, but our time, energy, eating habits, physical and mental health, and even the personal space we cherish.


Life Budgeting: A Holistic Approach

  • Budget Your Time: Time is a finite resource. Learning to allocate it wisely means balancing work, leisure, and self-improvement, ensuring every moment counts.
  • Budget Your Money: It’s the traditional aspect of budgeting, focused on financial planning to secure your present needs and future aspirations.
  • Budget Your Nutrition and Physical Wellness: What you eat and how you move play pivotal roles in your overall health. Budgeting in this context means choosing foods and activities that nourish and strengthen your body.
  • Budget Your Mental Health: Allocate time for activities that foster mental clarity and emotional stability. It’s about giving your mind the care it deserves.
  • Budget Space for Yourself: Personal space is crucial for reflection and growth. Ensure you have moments and places that allow you to reconnect with yourself.
  • Budget Your Energy: Recognize the activities and people that energize versus drain you. Aim to invest your energy where it returns the most value to your life.


The Goal: Balance and Fulfillment

Life budgeting is about finding equilibrium across all areas of life. By broadening our understanding of budgeting, we empower ourselves to make informed decisions that enhance our well-being, happiness, and success. It’s not merely about managing resources; it’s about enriching our lives in every dimension.

The curriculum at Raise Royalty is designed to give high school students an early advantage in understanding financial literacy and achieving financial independence. As a teenager, transitioning into young adulthood, I was oblivious to the concepts of credit, banking, finance, and money management. Similarly, the intricacies of investing, stocks, bonds, credit cards, and real estate investing were beyond my comprehension.

The inception of Raise Royalty stemmed from a desire to provide future generations with the knowledge I felt was missing. Amidst the study of algebra, world history, and English, there was a noticeable absence of financial education. My aim is to bridge this gap, offering insights today that could prevent the financial pitfalls many Americans face due to a lack of information. Our goal is to empower you to embrace your financial future with confidence and wisdom.

Curriculum Goals:

  • Understand what credit is and why it’s important.
  • Learn about credit reports and how to interpret them.
  • Discover strategies for building and improving credit.
  • Determine the right time to start building credit.
  • Explore the factors that affect your credit score.
  • Identify the various uses of credit in daily life.
  • Share valuable financial knowledge with your parents.

By integrating these topics into our curriculum, we aim to equip our students with the tools they need to navigate the financial landscape successfully, ensuring they can make informed decisions and embrace their royal destiny.


Romane Regis

Jr President

Rachel Regis

Treasurer and Clerk